- Personal Service

Exclusive Boutique Matchmaking for Upscale Single Professionals. Smoky Matchmaker represents wonderful singles who are accomplished in nearly everything and are looking to build meaningful connections. Certified Matchmaker, Dating Coach and relationship expert Ella Scaduto is the owner and driving force of Smoky Matchmaker. Her expert advice on dating and relationships has been featured on Your Tango, Knoxville Voyager, Florida & US, Voyage Miami & she was a speaker at iDate, Great Love Debate and a few others. Ella was also a guest on several podcasts on all things love and dating. Ella established Smoky Matchmaker in 2016 in Florida and has since moved to Knoxville to create happy couples in Tennessee. Ella proudly serves Tennessee singles that represent multicultural and multigenerational diversity, helping them navigate the modern dating scene. She enjoys putting together singles events across Knoxville to help single Vols start their journey in the dating world in a fun and welcoming environment.
Whom to Contact
- Ella ScadutoMatchmakerPhone: (865) 269-9456
We meet over zoom or at a coffee shop.