Monthly Minis: New Member Orientation

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Name: Monthly Minis: New Member Orientation
Date: March 6, 2026
Time: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM EST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
Join us on the FIRST Friday of each month for "Monthly Minis: New Member Orientation," a limited space SMALL group networking and orientation opportunity!
  • Limited to just 6 MEMBER attendees (plus chamber staff/ambassadors/partners)
  • TIP: You MUST be logged into your Online Member Portal to be able to register. 
  • Enjoy an informal and more casual SMALL group orientation and networking atmosphere where everyone gets to introduce themselves and swap card/info. 
  • We'll discuss key ways to start maximizing your membership.
  • We'll have time for questions
SPACE IS limited so please notify us if you must cancel! EMAIL us if you'd like to be on the waiting list!

FWKCC Office
11826 Kingston Pike, Ste 110
Knoxville, TN 37934
(Note: Park in the FRONT of our building adjacent to Kingston Pike, no matter WHAT your GPS app tells you!)

Date/Time Information:
First Friday of each month, 8am to 9am!
Included for members and open ONLY to members!
Set a Reminder:
Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce for more information.
11826 Kingston Pike, Suite 110, Knoxville, TN 37934 – (865) 675-7057 –