Free networking & training on CRM, newsletter, lead magnet, email nurture, autoresponder, invoice follow-up, calendar, tasks, and more! 2nd Tuesdays 2-4pm more
Categories: Community, Education, Business to Business, Excluded from CoC
Join the West Young Professionals for a ''Build Your Own Blueprint'' event featuring a panel of local professionals to share their insight. more
Categories: Chamber of Commerce, Business to Business, Young Professionals
Free networking & training on CRM, newsletter, lead magnet, email nurture, autoresponder, invoice follow-up, calendar, tasks, and more! 2nd Tuesdays 2-4pm more
Categories: Community, Education, Business to Business, Excluded from CoC
Calling all young professionals aged 21-40! Join us for the 3rd Annual YP Regional Mixer on Wednesday, July 17th, located on the patio of the Blount Partnership. It's an excellent opportunity to network, enjoy some beer and pizza, and mingle with like-minded individuals from across the region. more
Categories: Community, Business to Business, Young Professionals
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Farragut West Knox Chamber of Commerce for more information.
11826 Kingston Pike, Suite 110, Knoxville, TN 37934 – (865) 675-7057 –